At Diamond Dental Studios we believe that a well fitting, tailor made denture can renew your confidence, brighten your smile and allow you to eat better and enjoy the foods you love, this has both a positive and beneficial effect on your personal well-being and lifestyle. This is why we understand the importance of providing you with the denture you need and we pride ourselves on a personal and friendly patient care to ensure you receive the best service possible.
Our studio has a fully equipped onsite denture clinic with 2 fully qualified Clinical Dental Technicians (Diploma CDT Royal College of Surgeons) and an onsite dental laboratory for construction of your denture. Our mission is to provide the highest quality craftsmanship and customer care all under one roof. The benefits of having an onsite lab is speed. Many clinics and dentist have gaps of up to 3-4 weeks between appointments, this is usually as much time as it takes us to complete a denture, our average wait between appointments for a normally supplied denture is 1 week, so we can normally supply a new bespoke denture within 3 to 4 weeks start to finish,
From the consultation with a CDT to the final fit your acrylic denture does not leave the premise. Your denture is made on site and any alterations or adjustments can be made there and then which means a full denture can be finished within 1-3 weeks or in an emergency in 2-3 days. Very few dentists can offer this level of service, speed and expertise all in one place.
Bespoke Immediate Dentures: This type of denture is aimed at people having a full clearance of teeth or a large number of teeth removed. It involves a visit to the dentist/clinical dental technician to assess suitability for a denture and assuming there are no issues diagnosed, then a bespoke denture can be designed and made for your visit to have teeth extracted. This immediate denture is placed when the teeth are extracted and can help with healing and function of the jaw, as it will provide the user with some teeth from day one so the jaw has time to heal and allows function of the jaw to be retained to a good level which will help the user immensely going forward. This type of denture has a limited lifespan and is designed to enable to user to have a denture from day one. This type of denture has a limited lifespan and will need to be replaced (depending on patients wishes ) within normally 3-6 months, but by then a user is an experienced denture user and the transition to a more permanent denture has been eased dramatically and should be easy for a more experienced denture user to use a complete new denture.